Read selection “Gay Drama / Queer Performance?” by Torsten Graff; AND read one of the following two articles: “On the Normalization of Queer-Themed Theatre” by John J Caswell Jr, and “LGBTQ Theatre, Emphasis on the Q” by Zachary Small. For reference, these latter two articles can be found in the same file “LGBTQ Theatre” in Files. No matter your choice, you must also read Taylor Mac’s HIR. Write a one page response to the following: How does this play examine issues of intersectionality? What is subversive or radical about the conversations in HIR? Each reading response is worth 20 points. 5 points for writing at least one page; 5 points for properly citing and referencing the assigned texts in your response (MLA style and bibliography); 10 points for the quality of your argumentation.
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