Create a table of 10 to 15 empirical studies that address the various topic areas for your research topic. It is okay if you have more than 15 but there should be a minimum of 10. Note. A table of reviewed articles is a good way to have a single page summary of most pertinent articles. It is helpful for summarizing results of other studies, making comparisons across articles and identifying gaps in previous research. The table becomes especially helpful when writing the literature review section of a paper or when preparing to present research orally to an audience. Include the following headers in your table: Citation (author, year, title, journal, etc) Research design (e.g., single-subjects, ethnography) Sample Findings Note. You may also insert extra rows to separate articles into categories by sub-topic (e.g., outdoor education and general population vs. outdoor education and special education) or by methodology (e.g. quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods). Refer to the SAMPLE TablePreview the document file for an example of a completed table. Consider using certain headers to organize your articles, as well as a landscape page layout and a small font (8 pt.) so you can include plenty of detail in a single page. You may limit or expand the number of headers to make the table most useful for you. I have attached my proposal for the topic so I need the reference table to go with it. I have attached the sample table that is provided with the headers for the reference table.
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