sexual health related An Essay on the importance of reflection (1000 words)

ASSESSMENT PLAN. 1. The assessment for this module is split into three sections. An Essay on the importance of reflection (1000 words) Is reflection good? Why is reflection good? What are the limitations in reflective practice? 2. SWOT analysis on your academic skills (see template below) 3. Personal Development Plan (PDP) on a chosen skill (see template below) LEARNING OUTCOMES HAVE TO BE SEXUAL HEALTH RELATED On successful completion of this module a student will be able to: 1. Identify and develop strategies for addressing barriers to learning and study skills needs List, copy, state, name, things in common How am I going to do it-?then strategies 2. Identify, utilise and enhance skills, resources and support for effective study and learning First list and then put it into action 3. Demonstrate an understanding of evidence based practice 4. Discuss reflective practice and its use in the context of health and social care BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LEARNING SUPPORT MATERIAL CORE TEXTS ARE INDICATED IN BOLD * INDICATES EBOOK BULMAN, C. SCHULZ, S.(2008) REFLECTIVE PRACTICE IN NURSING. 4TH EDITION. CHICHESTER. WILEY- BLACKWELL. BURNS, T. (2008) ESSENTIAL STUDY SKILLS: THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO SUCCESS AT UNIVERSITY. 2ND EDITION. LONDON. SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. BUZAN, T. (2006) THE ULTIMATE BOOK OF MIND MAPS. LONDON. HARPER THORSONS. BUZAN, T. (2006) THE BUZAN STUDY SKILLS HANDBOOK: THE SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS IN YOU STUDIES WITH MIND MAPPING, SPEED READING AND WINNING MEMORY TECHNIQUES. LONDON. BBC ACTIVE. CLARKE, A (2005) IT SKILLS FOR SUCCESSFUL STUDY. BASINGSTOKE. PALGRAVE MACMILLAN. COTTRELL, S. (2003) SKILLS FOR SUCCESS. THE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING HANDBOOK. BASINGSTOKE. PALGRAVE MACMILLAN COTTRELL, S. (2008) THE STUDY SKILLS HANDBOOK. 3RD EDITION. BASINGSTOKE. PALGRAVE MACMILLAN. GIBBS, G. (1994) LEARNING IN TEAMS: A STUDENT GUIDE. OXFORD: OXFORD CENTRE FOR STAFF DEVELOPMENT. HONEY, P, & MUMFORD, A. (2006) THE LEARNING STYLES QUESTIONNAIRE.80 ITEM VERSION. MAIDENHEAD. PETER HONEY PUBLICATIONS. HONEY, P. (2003) HOW TO BECOME A MORE EFFECTIVE LEARNER. MAIDENHEAD. PETER HONEY PUBLICATIONS. JASPER, M. (2003) BEGINNING REFLECTIVE PRACTICE. CHELTENHAM. NELSON THORNES LTD. JOHNS, C. (2009) BECOMING A REFLECTIVE PRACTITIONER. 3RD EDITION. CHICHESTER. WILEY- BLACKWELL. NORTHEDGE, A. (2005) GOOD STUDY GUIDE. 2ND EDITION. MILTON KEYNES. OPEN UNIVERSITY WORLDWIDE. PECK, J. COYLE M (2005) THE STUDENT’S GUIDE TO WRITING. GRAMMAR, PUNCTUATION AND SPELLING. 2ND EDITION. BASINGSTOKE. PALGRAVE MACMILLAN. LEWIS, M. REINDERS H (2003) STUDY SKILLS FOR SPEAKERS OF ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. BASINGSTOKE. PALGRAVE MACMILLAN. MASLIN-PROTHERO, S (2005) BAILLIERE’S STUDY SKILLS FOR NURSES AND MIDWIVES. 3RD EDITION. EDINBURGH. ELSEVIER.* MOON, J. (2004) REFLECTION IN LEARNING & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. LONDON. ROUTLEDGE FALMER. NEVILLE, C. (2010) THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO REFERENCING AND PLAGIARISM. 2ND EDITION. MAIDENHEAD. OPEN UNIVERSITY PRESS O’DOCHARTAIGH, N. (2007) THE INTERNET RESEARCH HANDBOOK. HOW TO DO YOUR LITERATURE SEARCH AND FIND RESEARCH INFORMATION ONLINE. 2ND EDITION. LONDON: SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. ROSE, J. (2007) THE MATURE STUDENT’S GUIDE TO WRITING. 2ND EDITION. BASINGSTOKE. PALGRAVE MACMILLAN. SCHON, D. ( 1991) THE REFLECTIVE PRACTITIONER: HOW PROFESSIONALS THINK IN ACTION. USA. ASHGATE PUBLISHING LTD. TAYLOR, G. (2009) A STUDENTS WRITING GUIDE: HOW TO PLAN AND WRITE BETTER ESSAYS. CAMBRIDGE. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. HTTP://WWW.OPEN.AC.UK/SKILLSFORSTUDY HTTP://WWW.PALGRAVE.COM/SKILLS4STUDY HTTP://WWW.CCN.AC.UK/LIBRARY/ONLINE.ASP ESSAY PLAN Title – The importance of reflective practice within healthcare (LO4) (LO3) Introduction Introduce key topics that the essay is going to cover Main Body Discuss the importance of reflective practice within the context of a chosen healthcare profession relevant to you. Conduct a structured literature search and draw upon your findings Explore the theory, practice guidelines as well as policy and or law that underpins the use of reflective practice Discuss any conflicts in the findings Conclusion Summarise your findings as well as making sure you have answered the title of the essay. PZ1015 Assignment Tick List Statements are always supported with a reference I have used a topic sentence to introduce a new section I haven’t used “I” in this essay E.G “This essay will…” The reference is in text as well as at the end of the essay The references are in APA format (Surname, Date. no number) The reference list is in alphabetical order at the end not in footnotes I have only used sources that are valid (not random websites that are not “peer reviewed” I haven’t used subheadings in my final submission Don’t “reference bomb” at the end of a paragraph or sentence. E.G the reference relates to what has just been said. The assignment is 1.5 line spaced and font size 12-14. As much as possible I have quoted the original source of evidence I have checked the word count and I am only 10% over the 1000 words EG 1100. (Your reference list doesn’t count but your quotes do in the text) If I quoted word for word, I have put quotation marks around the statement. If I have paraphrased in my own words I haven’t. Attach your PDP and SWOT at the end of your essay so you submit one document in Turnitin Add any pictures in an appendix after your reference list You can use references from NHS NMC HCPC NICE etc. I have submitted in through turnitin checker SWOT ANALYSIS Date Completed …………………………….. STRENGTHS (What are you good at? What qualities are you bringing to the programme? What experience do you have?) WEAKNESSES (What areas do you need to develop? What do you need help with? ) OPPORTUNITIES (Are there any resources available to help you? Is there anything coming up which you can take advantage of?) THREATS (What might stop you from developing in the way you want? Can you foresee any obstacles to your learning?) PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. What do I need to learn? (List goals and individual objectives) What do I need to help me do this? (people, equipment, training) What specific outcome shows I achieved my objective? When should I have achieved my objective? Date achieved? Personal Development plan reviewed by Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Presentation of work The assignment should be word-processed, Arial size 11. The work should be Double line spaced and a reference list must be included. You must also include the module number as a header (font size 10) on every page. Please include page number only in the footer. Please note we are now carrying out Anonymous Marking at the university, therefore do not include your name or student ID number on any assignment documents submitted. Anonymity/Confidentiality To maintain anonymity and confidentiality if organisations need to be mentioned within your discussion there must be no identification of clinical sites. Module Supervision Arrangements Please contact your Module Leader for tutorial support. You are also encouraged to access Wiser support services for academic writing support. Assessment Marking- Marking Criteria Your work is marked in accordance with the level 4 School of Community Health & Midwifery Marking criteria. Please see your School of Community Health & Midwifery handbooks, which have a link to the marking grids from level 4-7. Key Issues Relating To Classroom Conduct You will be expected to abide by the Regulations for the Conduct of Students in the University Student Guide to Regulations. UCLan expects you to behave in a respectful manner demonstrated by using appropriate language in class, and switching mobile phones / other devices off prior to attending classes. If your behaviour is considered to be unacceptable, any member of academic staff is able to issue an informal oral warning and the University will support staff by invoking formal procedures where necessary. You can read more about UCLan expectations in the regulations for the Conduct of Students. Please follow these ‘Do’s’ and ‘Don’ts’ for the classroom to make learning an enjoyable and constructive experience for everyone. Do’s Don’ts Be punctual and return from breaks on time (on-campus students) Waste time Be prepared Use your mobile phone – AT ALL! (on-campus students) Be supportive to your fellow students Finish off your lunch during teaching time (on-campus students) Be respectful and value each other Be discourteous Be open and honest Undermine others Listen carefully Have mini-conversations with your colleagues during class / Blackboard sessions Maintain confidentiality Discuss incidences / clients /staff members outside the classroom /Blackboard sessions How Much Work Should I Do? The normal amount of work involved in achieving a successful outcome to your studies is to study for 10 hours per each credit you need to achieve – this includes attendance at UCLan and time spent in private study. For additional guidance on how to spend your time more effectively please refer to the module learning plan section in the module descriptor and your module handbooks Bibliography and Learning Support Material CORE TEXTS ARE INDICATED IN BOLD * indicates eBook Bulman, C. Schulz, S.(2008) Reflective Practice in Nursing. 4th Edition. Chichester. Wiley- Blackwell. Burns, T. (2008) Essential Study Skills: The Complete Guide to Success at University. 2nd Edition. London. Sage Publications Ltd. Buzan, T. (2006) The ultimate book of mind maps. London. Harper Thorsons. Buzan, T. (2006) The Buzan Study Skills Handbook: The Shortcut to Success in You Studies with Mind Mapping, Speed Reading and Winning Memory Techniques. London. BBC Active. Clarke, A (2005) IT Skills for successful Study. Basingstoke. Palgrave Macmillan. Cottrell, S. (2003) Skills for Success. The Personal Development Planning Handbook. Basingstoke. Palgrave Macmillan Cottrell, S. (2008) The Study Skills Handbook. 3rd Edition. Basingstoke. Palgrave Macmillan. Gibbs, G. (1994) Learning in Teams: A Student Guide. Oxford: Oxford Centre for Staff Development. Honey, P, & Mumford, A. (2006) The Learning Styles Questionnaire.80 Item version. Maidenhead. Peter Honey Publications. Honey, P. (2003) How to become a more effective learner. Maidenhead. Peter Honey Publications. Jasper, M. (2003) Beginning Reflective Practice. Cheltenham. Nelson Thornes Ltd. Johns, C. (2009) Becoming a Reflective Practitioner. 3rd Edition. Chichester. Wiley- Blackwell. Northedge, A. (2005) Good Study Guide. 2nd Edition. Milton Keynes. Open University Worldwide. Peck, J. Coyle M (2005) The Student’s Guide to Writing. Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. 2nd edition. Basingstoke. Palgrave Macmillan. Lewis, M. Reinders H (2003) Study Skills for Speakers of English as a Second Language. Basingstoke. Palgrave Macmillan. Maslin-Prothero, S (2005) Bailliere’s Study Skills for Nurses and Midwives. 3rd edition. Edinburgh. Elsevier.* Moon, J. (2004) Reflection in Learning & Professional Development. London. Routledge Falmer. Neville, C. (2010) the Complete Guide to Referencing and Plagiarism. 2nd edition. Maidenhead. Open University Press O’Dochartaigh, N. (2007) The Internet Research Handbook. How To Do Your Literature Search and Find Research Information Online. 2nd Edition. London: Sage Publications Ltd. Rose, J. (2007) The Mature Student’s Guide to Writing. 2nd Edition. Basingstoke. Palgrave Macmillan. Schon, D. ( 1991) The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action. USA.

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