1. A short reflective journal (300-500 words) on the lessons learnt through involvement with this advocacy effort. The reflective journal should briefly describe the advocacy work you carried out, describe the importance of advocacy work, what you learnt about advocacy work through this assignment and how you have grown professionally as a result of engaging in advocacy work. (5%). 2. Evidence of meaningful and sustained involvement in the campaign for a period of 6-7 weeks submitted through the weekly discussion board posts. You are expected to spend minimum time of the hybrid hour in the actual posting and maximum time in actually engaging in some kind of advocacy work. Examples of such evidence could include minutes of advocacy meetings with the students name in them, twitter feeds with meaningful posts and engagements on the topic, signatures on campaign letters, setting up/participation in meetings/social media events/campaigns on the issue. (10%) Examples of engagement would include participating in two or more of the following ways: Engaging with the issue through participating in the social media activities/campaigns Using change.org campaigns and/or other signature campaigns to meaningfully advocate for social change. Starting/Participating in groups/events related to addressing the issue in your community, school, practicum Attending meetings/events/protests related to the topic. Participating in delegations Writing/responding to newspaper articles, blog posts, editorials on the issue. Other forms of advocacy Instructions: 1. The reflective journal submitted without evidence of involvement will receive a grade of zero on the assignment. 2. The reflective journal will be designated for your e portfolio. 3. The advocacy work should include components of awareness building on an issue of social justice/injustice as well as mobilizing for social policy change. 4. Work that has been carried out during/for practicum will not be acceptedunless you have discussed this with me first. Any advocacy work you carry out in your practicum (after getting permission for the same) would need to be distinct from your other tasks in the agency and I would need your supervisors acknowledgement for the same. 5. Where possible connect and build upon related advocacy work of organizations that work with older adults/organizations that are working to spread awareness or mobilize change on the issue. 6. Please read the rubric carefully to understand what your assignment will be marked on. 7. Please view the accompanying video that provide these instructions with examples.
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