Task overview

Task overview: 1. Choose 1 problem solving theory, i.e. task centred practice OR crisis intervention 2. Choose 1 psychological theory, i.e. cognitive behavioural therapy OR attachment 3. Analyse the case study from the perspective of the 2 theories you have selected. You need to: 1. Describe the main arguments of each theory (approx. 250 words per theory) 2. Explain why you selected that specific theory; why it is helpful in understanding the case study? (approx. 150 words per theory) 3. Identify 2 key principles from each of the theories (4 in total) 4. Apply the 4 principles to aspects of the case study; how do they inform your understanding of the case study? How would they shape your practice? (approx. 250 words per principle) 4. Draw an eco-map and genogram that represent the case study (approx. 50 words) 5. Using the principle of stress, explain why systems theory is helpful in understanding the case study (approx. 350 words) Please use sub-headings and include a brief introduction and conclusion (i.e. 150 words each). The word limit is 2500 words. 10% variance is allowed. It is acceptable to write in first person and use personal pronouns such as “I” or “my” in this assessment. This assessment must be supported by at least 10 academic references. You will need to use topic materials and undertake wider research. APA referencing conventions must be used. Please see the Marking ruberic (in Topic central in FLO) for more information on the assessment criteria. Please submit via the Assessment link in Topic central in FLO.

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