The 10 Strategic Points for the Prospectus, Proposal, and Dissertation

All research has to be within the last 5 years. Topic –The Development of Ordained Female Clergy in the Disciples of Christ Christian Church in Oklahoma from 2000 to 2012. This topic is based on the dissertation: The Emergence of Ordained Female Clergy in the Church of God From 1996 to 2006 by Dale Philip Combs. I am doing a qualitative, historical single-case study research. See attached Sample of Ten Strategic Points and The Dissertation. I will be doing a Replication of this research on the Disciples of Christ Christian Church. A replication of this study could include how organizational culture influences the placement of female seminary graduates. For example, Longman and Anderson (2011) suggested that women who considered leadership positions faced specific challenges such as a lack of role models, forms of prejudice, and a misunderstanding of their leadership style. Any help on developing this topic into a dissertation will be helpful. I will need to hire a writer for the continuation of my dissertation process. Developing these 10 strategic points on three pages provides an easy-to-use template to ensure the 10 strategic points are always worded the same throughout the prospectus, proposal, and dissertation.

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