The Concepts Exam:

This is a cumulative exam based on all the Readings covered in the course

The best way to study for this exam is to complete the Practice Quiz.

The exam includes 70 multiple choice questions and is worth 140 points.

• Time limit for the exam is 70 minutes.

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• You have only ONE attempt for the exam. Exam must be completed in the classroom during the time scheduled.

The Skills Exam:

This exam is a skills-based exam on Excel end Access.

The Sest Way to study for this exam is to complete the Practice Training.

The exam includes 30 tasks anci is worth 60 points.

Time limit for the exam is 45 minutes.

You have only ONE attempt for the ex3m, but you have at each question. Exa;n must be completed in

the classroom during the time scheduled.

*019 Skills Exam and Access

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