the effect of interactive communication among group (Face to Face vs vertual) on the ambiguity of info

1- Introduction Introduction: 4 paragraphs answering the next questions: first paragraph: what I want to study? Second paragraph: Why I want to study? Why is interesting? Third paragraph: How I want to study? Fourth paragraph: What I spect about the study? 2- Theoretical background In this part, have to use the previous literature and you have to tell a history regarding the topic and link the points from the beginning to the end. You have to start from the general and go to the specific. Your hypotheses have to be based on this history and on the literature so hypotheses ³appear² from the text and are included as part of the text, not by their self. Please read our papers to understand what I mean The reviews should include these points which are related to the title its self – Information Ambiguity. Three types of that according to Luippold and kida (2012): 1- insufficient and complex data 2- sufficient and complex data 3′ sufficient and non’ complex data – Diversity ((Education background and experiences ) – Face to face group auditing. – Electronic group auditing. In this study will see which type of group will reduce or accurate the information. Methodolgy is experiment Independent variable Face to Face, electronic group + Data ambiguity. Dependent variables Audit decision Hypothesis H1. Ambiguous information reduces the accuracy of decision-making. H2. Electronic interaction between auditors group’s members (diversity) mitigates the ambiguous info in the review than face to face. Under the condition of insufficient and complex data, the audit decision after the electronic -based interactive review is more accurate than face to face -based interactive review. H2b: Under the condition of sufficient and complex data, the audit decision after aelectronic -based interactive review is more accurate than face to face -based interactive review. H2c: Under the condition of sufficient and non-complex data, the audit decision after electronic based interactive review is more accurate than before aface to face -based interactive review

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