the effect of oil piece shocks on the economy of Saudi Arabia

The research paper, I have 6hrs left to submit it, already have the first draft with the comment on it, make sure (Your final paper – Due April 13 – should be submitted through Turnitin (the login link is below). For those of you unfamiliar with Turnitin it is an anti-plagiarism tool – it provides me with an “originality” score. If your score exceeds 25% but is less than 40% two percentage points will be deducted for each percentage point in excess of 25%. So, make sure that your originality score is leas than 25% to avoid penalty. Papers with an originality score of 40% or greater will receive an NP and will be referred for assessment as academic misconduct. so the Dr will post it on? the website to check the plagiarism make sure to check it

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