The Great Recession of 2008 – Causes and Consequences

Your paper must have a clearly defined objective. The research component requires that you specify a methodology to accomplish your objective. n addition, you must provide a section on “literature review” where you can quote other works on the same topic. Provide a “Reference” section at the end of your paper with at least 3 references including reference to a scholarly book or a scholarly journal. Be sure to conduct a thorough Review of Literature on the subject. The minimum length of your course paper is 8 pages, double-spaced. Organize your paper with five sections Introduction and objective. Make sure the objective is specific. Literature Review. Conduct a search on the topic of your paper and summarize works of others similar to what you are writing on. Be sure to follow APA guidelines. Analysis: Analyze your topic with reference to the objective. Summary and conclusion. References. Provide at least five references, at least two of which must be scholarly books and /or journals.

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