Choose one of the articles from the three I have posted. Pull out 5 major themes of the article. Group similar things together into one theme. The main themes are not the details of the article, but the major ideas or trends discussed. Each theme should be one Roman numeral. Be sure to BOLD your key terms. Back up each main theme with specifics from the article that illustrate the main theme. You can cite specifics, cite numbers, quote sparingly from the article, or paraphrase the article to illustrate the main theme. Separate your paper into 5 Roman numeral sections corresponding to each main theme. Discuss the first main theme. Back up the first theme by discussing the specifics in the article that relate to the main theme. Now you need to apply the microeconomics we have studies this semester to the main theme. You can: Apply a microeconomic term(s) that is relevant. Be sure to define the term the first time you use it, and explain how it relates to the article. Explain why something is happening; a logical sequence of events Explain if a trend is good or bad for the economy and why Apply an economic theory: For example; According to Adam Smith, the economy will self-adjust because
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