Provide a threat analysis from a nation state or transnational threat identified in the 2019 Worldwide Threat Assessment. The paper should identify at least one key threat to U.S. national security interests. The research paper should be no less than 2500 words, and Include a title page and works cited page. Research Paper Element Description Background Provide a background from a nation state or transnational threat identified in the 2019 Worldwide Threat Assessment impacting National Security. Suggested length (2 pages including graphics) Current Intelligence Policy / Strategy Evaluate current policies and strategies concerning the threat. Suggested length (1 page) Threat Analysis Implement open source intelligence analysis by using the process of the intelligence cycle to assess the threat to U.S. national security interests. Suggested length (4 pages including graphics) Recommendations Provide sound recommendations that address current policies and strategies that may improve effective collection, fusion, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence and information products associated with your topic. Suggested Length (1 page) Impact of Privacy / Civil Liberties State the impact of balancing the needs of intelligence community while still maintaining the appropriate measures to ensure the privacy and civil liberties of U.S. citizens. Suggested Length (1 page) Conclusion Provide conclusion summarizing key points Suggested Length (1 page)
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