Three JFET amplifiers are shown in Figure P2.10. A “grounded-source” amplifier is shown in Figure…

Three JFET amplifiers are shown in Figure P2.10. A “grounded-source” amplifier is shown in Figure P2.10a. The source resistor, S, is bypassed by CS, making the source node at small-signal ground. S is required for self-bias of the JFET. The same JFET is used in all three circuits in which: DSS  6.0 mA, P  −3.0 V, gmo  4 × 10−3 Siemens. In circuits A and B, find g mQ, S and D so DQ = 3.0 mA, and DQ  8.0 V. Give DSQ. Circuit C is a source-follower. Find 1, and S required to make DQ  3.0 mA, and SQ  8.0 V. Neglect gate leakage current.

Figure P2.10a

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