to solve the communication barrier of a type of people with a product

Project — Presentation (content) Students will be required to work in pairs to present a “pitch” for a digital innovation that they have developed during the course. This will comprise an in-class presentation, and a written summary and copy of any materials used during their presentation. This component of the assignment will focus on the extent to which students have conducted a thorough and rigorous argument with relevant information and context. The summary and a copy of presentation materials (such as PowerPoint slides or diagrams) should be submitted in printed copies to the teacher before the beginning of the class, and should clearly show the date, page numbers, and both students’ names and numbers. Paper submissions must clearly address the topic, and be clearly formatted as requested. All citations must be clearly and appropriately attributed according to the Harvard referencing system. Please see the policy on plagiarism for further information. Presentation will be marked primarily on how well students have researched their topic, followed the design thinking principles, and supported their conclusion. A portion of assigned marks will be allocated according to how well students have worked collaboratively, and expressed their ideas. Re-marking and re-submission are not permitted. — Presentation (peer review) Students will be required to complete a peer-review form for each other’s’ presentations. These forms will be provided on the day, and must be submitted to the teacher before the end of class. These will not be shared with any other party. Students are asked to write clearly and legibly, and to clearly label their forms with their name and student number, as well as who is being reviewed. All comments are expected to be relevant and respectful as part of appropriate student conduct. This feedback will be a component of the submitting students’ grade. Forms must be completed appropriately for each presentation, and submitted to the teacher. Re-marking and re-submission are not permitted. — Journal Over the course of the semester students will be required to keep a journal based on class activities, assignments, and individual progress within the course. Students will be required to submit their physical workbook along with a written reflection at the end of the course. There are no specific formatting or layout requirements for the workbook. The workbook will be expected to demonstrate ongoing records of class activities and participation, self-reflection, and the work process entailed in their digital innovation presentation. It is requested that students write as legibly as possible, however language and structure can be informal. Workbooks must be clearly labelled with the student’s name and number. The written reflection should be submitted digitally as a word document with a hard copy to be submitted with the journal. The reflection will be expected to be 800-1500 words long, and structured as an essay. All documents submitted must be dated, and include the student’s name and number. Pages should be clearly numbered, and all text should be in a standard font such as Times New Roman, in a font size no larger than 12. It is preferred that students format their documents with double spacing in between lines. Adhering to formatting and submission requirements will be taken into account when marking. The reflection will be marked according to demonstrated comprehension of the subject matter, clear expression and use of English, and effective use of the self-reflective tools provided. Submissions must be clearly formatted as requested. All citations must be clearly and appropriately attributed according to the Harvard referencing system. Please see the policy on plagiarism for further information. These are the instruction form the course The course is Design Thinking and Digital Innovation at unisa PLEASE USE THE METHOD OF THE COURSE THOSE ARE Understand,Observe,Define,Ideate,Prototype and Test in conclusion i need a journal with 6-8pages a prototype of the product please take the reference in unisa Harvard_referencing Thankyou very much

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