Tracking Effects of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami on Banda Aceh, Indonesia through multispectral analysis

Use ASPRS format for this paper Approximate Project Paper write-up length: approximately 3-20 pages of text (double-spaced) Proceeding Guides: Petroleum User Group ESRI International User Conference: Energy Drone Coalition: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium: South Central Arc User Group: Project Paper Overview: • A remote-sensing project paper (with write-up) is required of all students. • This is an individual assignment, but I will consider a group project and I will consider combining my other courses Project Papers if presented well. • The objective of the paper option is to explore the background of a particular topic of interest in detail. • The objective of the remote-sensing project is to perform some analysis, as well as to provide a corresponding written report/paper. • Analysis different from or beyond what is performed in the remote-sensing laboratory exercises in this course is expected. Project Data: Be sure to have the rights to all data. The remote-sensing data available should not drive your research question. Rather, first identify the problem and the relevant variables. Then conceptualize the dataprocessing steps required to achieve the desired solution. The exact study area used for this project may very well not be as important as the problem that you are trying to solve. That is, you will want to ensure that the appropriate remote-sensing data sets for your application type are available, with an acceptable level of quality. Publication: Please consider submitting your project paper to one of the listed conferences (or select your own conference). Publication Text Reference: “How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper”, 7th Edition, by Robert A. Day (Author), Barbara Gastel (Author), ISBN-13: 978-0313391972, ISBN-10: 0313391971 (older editions are good as well) College of Geosciences Master of Geosciences Dr. Stacey D. Lyle, RPLS, PLS TEXAS A&M UNIVERSTIY © 2017 Tel. 979-862-8421 Cell. 361-548-8852 [email protected] Page | 2 Option 1: Individual Creative ProjectYou should select a project/problem/application area: 1. that interests you; and 2. for which you can acquire necessary remote-sensing data; and 3. that is manageable (i.e., you can complete it within the prescribed amount of time).

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