Understanding the factors influencing Destination Loyalty within the Caribbean

Literature Review should cover separately the relationships between Familiarity, Hedonics, Novelty and Destination Loyalty. That is Familiarity & Destination Loyalty, Hdeonics & Loyalty Novelty & Loyalty. Also I will need supporting information for the following hypotheses H1: Novelty positively influences hedonics. H2: Hedonics positively influences perceived value. H3: Hedonics positively influences satisfaction. H4: Novelty positively influences perceived value. H5: Satisfaction positively influences perceived value. H6: Novelty positively influences satisfaction. H7: Familiarity positively influences satisfaction H8: Familiarity positively influences destination loyalty H9: Perceived value positively influences destination loyalty H10: Satisfaction positively influences destination loyalty H11: Hedonics positively influences destination loyalty Kindly use Chicago formatting for references and do not include footnote numbering for references

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