which you feel demonstrates or invokes the proposition of Robin Wood regarding the ‘repression’.

Choose a film, or a scene from a film, which you feel demonstrates or invokes the proposition of Robin Wood regarding the ‘repression’. To do this you need to select ONE of the figures of the other. You will also need to carefully consider the propositions of Wood and the relationship to psychoanalytical approached to film that we have already considered during the module. Remember, as always, that this is about you, your feelings, your position, and your sense of ‘self’ in relationship to the film or film scene! You will need to do some careful reading around this! You need to select ONE of figures of “Other” within the Culture in relation to Repression and Oppression from the following: 1. ‘Other people’ – different people – radical people 2. Woman 3. The Proletariat 4. ‘Other’ Cultures – Ethnic Groups 5. Alternaitves to the ‘norm’ – Political/Ideological 6. Deviation from Sexual Norms 7. CHILDREN

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