Choose one of the films from the first week of our syllabus to analyze in a 2-3 pp. (double-spaced, 1-inch margins) essay. The topic of discussion is up to you, but make sure that you have a clear and strong thesis around which your argument is built. Your topic should be closely related to subjects we’ve discussed this week, such as essentialism, stereotyping, or spectatorship. You must also relate your analysis of the film to at least one of our assigned readings. Citation style is up to you (MLA or Chicago preferred), but make sure that your sources are properly cited to avoid any questions about plagiarism. You may also choose a film not listed on our syllabus, though it must be clearly relevant to the subjects we’ve covered in the first week. Essays will be graded according to the rubric posted here, with each row rating from 0 (No/Limited Proficiency) to 3 (High Proficiency). 3 pts. x 9 criteria = 27 pts. + up to 3 pts for my general impression of the paper = 30 possible pts., which will be divided by 2 to reach your score out of 15. That’s somewhat intricate, but just aim for the High Proficiency column on the rubric in all categories and you’ll do great.
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